
App Downloads Reached 1.2 Billion During Final Week of the Year


Following up on their earlier report tracking the number of iOS and Android devices activated on Christmas Day and the 242 million apps downloaded, Flurry has released figures covering the final week of the year. Spanning from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, Flurry’s data reveals over 1.2 billion apps downloaded between Android and iOS. This represents a 60 percent increase compared to December’s weekly average leading up to the holidays. The figure really isn’t that surprising. With the number of folks receiving smartphones as gifts and many finding themselves with at few extra days off work, exploring the app marketplace for their respective devices was as good a way to pass the time as any.

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[Flurry via Engadget]

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  1. Not every app has flurry analytics installed, I wonder if there are hard numbers they have collected, or if they’re estimated based on the numbers they actually have.

  2. Just imagine if Google and apple would work together to better the industry instead of fighting each other every time a new piece of tech comes out. These numbers would easily triple or more. Product sales would be amazing, but that will never happen and maybe that’s a good thing. But I have to wonder what it would be like if they did?

  3. The 10 pence sale certainly helped.

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