
Gameloft Sale Offers All Games For 99 Cents – Plus, Enter To Win LG Nitro HD For AT&T


Christmas may be over but don’t tell Gameloft that. The mobile gaming company will be having a sale, starting Dec 29th, on all of their Android titles in the Market, offering them up for only 99 cents (my favorite word) each. That’s not such a bad deal seeing how some of these games can reach upwards of $7 a title.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

But that’s just the half of it. Gameloft is also having a Facebook sweepstakes where they will be giving away an LG Nitro for AT&T and your choice of 3 games. Entering is easy. Simply “like” both Gameloft’s and LG’s Facebook pages and wait until January 11th for them to announce the winner. Good luck, guys!

[Twitter | Facebook | Via DroidDog]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. eeww facebook. Tell Gameloft to use G+

    1. Hey! I’m still on Facebook and Twitter though! xD

    2. They should use G+. Bring people there since NO ONE I know seems to be there. -_-

  2. What about those without social networks?

    1. You know they’re free, right? =p

      1. I hear STDs are free too…. but I doubt anyone would want to join those social experiences ;)

        1. If “STD” stands for Standard Timely upDates, then I’m in!! :D

          1. So is every major Android OEM!

  3. Thanks for the great opportunities… I would love to have this one

  4. G+ for the world baby! They need to recognize!

  5. Yay for Modern Combat 3 for 99 cents!

  6. Yeah i need to get on the social network train like everyone else. Guess i just like being a rebel.

  7. There not a Buck yet………

  8. So much for that sale.  All games are still full price

  9. And today I thought I would actually be BUYING a bunch of games from gameloft, I guess its back to getting them for free. Thanks torrent sites! Ah hahahaha……screw you Gameloft

  10. Ok so I spoke to soon, sorry. All games are .99 NOW except for modern combat 3 that will be .99 later today, you have to follow gameloft on twitter or Facebook and they will tell you when its. 99

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