
Motorola DROID RAZR Bug-Fixing Update Rolling Out


Verizon is rolling out the maintenance upgrade for the DROID RAZR that we expected to head our way sometime soon. One big change is a fix for 3G and 4G signal strength, something that is also affecting their Galaxy Nexus crowd for some reason. Check the updates menu to see if you can pull it down and don’t panic if you can’t as it may be a staggered rollout process. Check out the rest of the details in the image above. [Verizon via Droid-Life]

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  1. I sure don’t have it yet, but I’ll keep checking :)

  2. Any word of an update for the xt910 version???

  3. I am torn, what should I choose? Nexus with ICS and signal issues…or RAZR with gingerbread motoblur  and outstanding hardware. Its pretty much a software vs hardware debate… HELP ME CHOOSE PLEASE!

    1. I got the razr cause I got tired of waiting on the nexus and figured I could exchange it if need be….well I’m keeping it. I went back in forth over if I should or not but it came down to if you want some apps preinstalled or not and if NFC is important to you. The apps don’t bother me and some are nice, like smart apps and NFL mobile (granted you can get this one either way but it come free with razr). I at the moment have no need for NFC so that got rid of that. Both phones run great and nexus’ screen may edge out a bit but size wise is about the same due to on screen buttons. The camera is great on the razr and it fill well built in hand for being so thin. in the end it boils down to what you want from the phone. hope this helped some.

  4. buy a Rezound

  5. 4G sounds nice when it works. 3G used to be great not so much anymore. Ever since iphone came out on verizon 3g has slowed way down. Too many people not enough towers

  6. 3g is now slow ever since the iphone came out. Too many phones you got it up towers

  7. Funny that we’re seeing signal and stability problems with the razr and the gnex, and my rezound, which gets considerably less media and blog/internet coverage and for some reason has not been included in as many reviews and dogfight reviews, is working flawlessly. I was originally going to return my rezound for a gnex when I picked it up, but after reading some of the gnex reviews and my very very positive experience with the rezound so far, Im glad I didn’t.

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