
CyanogenMod 9 Gets Early Preview on Nexus S, Galaxy S


It didn’t take long for the guys responsible for CyanogenMod to swirl the Android 4.0 source code into their popular custom ROM. Early builds of CyanogenMod 9 for the Nexus S and Samsung Galaxy S are already picking up some polish, according to Koushik Dutta, the developer of CM9 for the Nexus S, and others. Currently tagged as an alpha build, Dutta reported via his Google+ page that the Nexus S CM9 alpha is performing well as a stable daily driver-type ROM, video playback and MMS issues not withstanding.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

For the Galaxy S, a beta version of CM9 has found its way to xda for users to download and take for a spin. While plenty of minor issues abound, the ROM is for the most part fully-functional. One nasty side effect has been a tendency for the Galaxy S version of the software to completely wipe a user’s SD card, so there are obviously some risks involved. Head over to the links below for downloads and more info.

[XDA 1, 2 via The Verge]

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  1. Is the Vibrant included? 

    1. no, in fact CM 7.1 is still buggy on the Vibrant, and it appears the  CM team is probably done with that model. Its been a big headache thanks to tmobile and samsung. I have been tweaking and flashing ROMS on my Vibrant since the model was brand new and  only bionix 1.3 had a working GPS for me. as it turned out, the vibrant is a crap phone.

      1. Yeah I know its crappy, its my back phone for my nexus so I play around and try different roms on it. I’ve had 4.0 on it since last week.

    2. Atinm (one of the CM maintainers for Samsung phones) said no promises will be made about the Vibrant till his team sees how well the Captivate goes. But I have heard of the GPS working on ICS (but not for me)!


  2. I’ve been using it on my Nexus S for a week now, and it’s nice. It doesn’t have any of the added CM goodies yet though, so it’s basically just stock ICS and they just renamed it to CM9 on like Thursday or Friday.  

  3. With CyanogenMod working with a custom ROM of ICS, it could be possible that a number of devices will get update, even though not officially released by its manufacturers. Keep up the good work, CyanogenMod.

  4. Awesome!

  5. SGS + CM = Awesome

    1. Except for the battery life issues, right? That’s the reason I’ve always passed on CM because people complain about the horrible battery life so much (something about the lack of proper drivers preventing the hardware from going into low-power mode)

      1. I’ve actually had really good battery life on CM, just as good if not slightly better than stock on my Nexus One. I always get more than a day out of it with heavy usage.

      2. I’ve also experience much better battery life on my phones using CM.

  6. Looks like the Incredible is waiting for GPU drivers?  Sad face.

    1. How is ol’ DeKalb? Glad to know there’s some good Android folk coming out of there these days….

      1. Ha!  Its good.  I was just there on Friday morning for the NIU-EMU game.  I get back every weekend in the fall for games.  Graduated ’05

        1. I haven’t been back in several years myself…ducked in for a few drinks at Otto’s and Stanley’s a few years back before I left for Indonesia but haven’t been back since. Too cold for my tastes now…I think living in the tropics has ruined my “Chicago Toughness” when it comes to winter.

          1. Spent 18 months in Iraq. I still hate to be hot ;)

          2. i hear that LOL. fuck deployments >_<

  7. Where is the tmo gs2?

  8. cant wait to put this on my TP

  9. when are they going to hurry up with the original Evo ? They are so useless!

    1. The Evo 4G is what, 3 years old now? If you want them to support it, it sounds like a donation is your best bet.

      1. Three years? Seriously? The Evo4G came out just over a year ago….

        1. Oh look at that… June 4th 2010. My bad everyone.

      2. lol not even 2 years old guy…not even 1 and a half years old

      3. Ill toss them a few pennies

    2. I think ICS is intended for dual core devices, which EVO 4G isn’t.  EVO 3D however should run it well.

  10. I’ve been running CM9 Alpha 11 for a few days now, it’s by far the most stable Alpha build I have ever used.

  11. Man, I got all excited when I saw ‘Galaxy S’ (I just bought a Samsung Stratosphere). I hate this fragmentation crap. I wish it was as easy as installing a PC OS upgrade on multiple machines.

  12. means nothing unless CM9 comes to OG Droid.  That is money.

  13. Seeing as how GB on my OG is not quite up to what I consider everyday usable, I doubt that ICS will be on the OG. Good thing the Galaxy Nexus is on the way for me.

  14. Happy they’re so far along! Without these custom roms I don’t think I could keep using the HTC Sensation. It amazes me how good custom roms are while the ones made by the manufacturers are so terrible (looking at you htc sense)

  15. I love how me and the rest of the ICSSGS team were able to get Ice Cream Sandwich on the SGS long before anyone else, (the most stable ICS rom for the SGS out there) but no one cares. Then Teamhacksung posts with the precursor that it is “CM9” (it’s not) and everyone goes crazy about it. 

  16. This makes me want to donate a bunch of money to the cm project.

  17. I wonder why open source OS’ functions better than the manufacturer’s OS. I guess it should be the other way around, right?

  18. Its working great on my nexus s except for one thing. Is anyone else having problems with the their bluetooth? It pairs and connects with my motorola rockr and I can control my music and such. However, it won’t actually play the audio through the headset? Any help?!

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