
Rumor: Ice Cream Sandwich Source Code Dropping November 17th


Well this is stuff we like to hear. According to Notion Ink CEO Rohan Shravan, Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) will be released on November 17th. We tag this one as a rumor because as much as we’d like to believe the CEO of a tablet manufacturer, they are not Google.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Add in the fact that their first tablet launch – the Notion Ink Adam – didn’t smoothly in more areas than one and we’d hold off on getting too excited about this. The date is interesting, though. It’s the earliest known date that the Galaxy Nexus – the first Android 4.0 device – will be shipping in the United Kingdom, available from retailers and carriers.

The timing wouldn’t be consistent with history, but you can’t always look at the past when talking about the future. If the source code does drop, you can expect many developers to get their hands on it so they can begin making ROMs based on the new update.

Also expect OEMs to begin working on bringing the upgrade to customers of some of their high-end phones. Motorola and HTC have already confirmed many of their high-end 2011 phones to be in line for the upgrade and we assume many more OEMs have unannounced plans of their own. [Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Can’t wait for CM version of ICS on my Tbolt!

    1. Same for CM9 on my MAtrix

      1. My OG Evo needs some ICS love as well

      2. gonna risk it on my last gen HTC Legend

    2. MMMM, ICS on my Nook Color………. 
      that  …    will….     be  …        TASTY!!!!

    3. Will finally root my N1 for ICS from CM

      1. How did you last so long with an N1 without rooting?

        1. Didn’t see the point of rooting….all that backing up…..never had a need for it….all that extra functionality….could live without most of it. Only the overclocking and perhaps 2-3 features I would like…but I was too protective over my phone. Didnt want to brick it…will root it soon and of it works I’ll do it sooner to my new phones.

    4. r u serious, there isnt even an official CM for Thunderbolt…

  2. Didn’t they say something right after the nexus/ICS announcement that they weren’t going to release the source until the phone/4.0 were released? Could mean a release date.

  3. when will an official ICS build be released for the Motorola Flipside?

    1. lol. Good one.

      1. there had to be one, thought I’d be the first

  4. I know it’s all speculative and we have no reason to latch onto any date, but the 21st seems more and more possible as a US release date for the Nexus.

  5. Nexus S will be the first handset in the US running ICS. Verizon picked up the GNex so that they could shelve it. Running on the C-Block of spectrum, they have to allow an unlocked bootloader AND UNLIMITED data. It’s part of the regulations Google/FCC set up. Sidenote: The Thunderbolt runs on C-Block as well & VZW is breaking the law by having it with a locked bootloader and tiered data.

      1. Proof for or against what he said?

        The feds forcing unlimited data would be legit.

      2. “Handset locking prohibited.  No licensee may disable features on
        handsets it provides to customers, to the extent such features are
        compliant with the licensee’s standards pursuant to paragraph (b) of
        this section, nor configure handsets it provides to prohibit use of such
        handsets on other providers’ networks.”

        1. Exactly.

          “The open access provision requires Verizon
          to “not deny, limit, or restrict the ability of their customers to use
          the devices and applications of their choice on the licensee’s C Block
          network.”   It goes on to say, “The potential for excessive bandwidth
          demand alone shall not constitute grounds for denying, limiting or
          restricting access to the network.”  Verizon bought Block C and tried to
          have the provisions removed.  They failed….”

      3. To you sir, I respectfully instruct you to eat a dick.

    1. If this is true, why have I never heard of it before? Why aren’t many people screaming about locked bootloaders and tiered data?

      1. How many people are aware of what spectrum band they’re using or what Net Neutrality is, or any of the nitty gritty details of how the wireless carriers operate? Before reading on XDA, I had no idea about the Tbolt using Block C spectrum or about the regulations Google and the FCC proposed & eventually set in place.

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