
Samsung to Launch Android 2.3 for Most of Its Galaxy S Phones, But Which Ones?


This piece of news has been floating around since this morning and I’ve been spending time trying to figure out more details. Long story short? Samsung has committed to delivering Android 2.3 to “most” of their Galaxy phones, including phones from the high-end Galaxy S series down to the budget offerings such as the Galaxy Gio, Ace and Fit. The Galaxy S, K, U and A in Korea will all be receiving the upgrade, as well. And don’t forget about the Galaxy Tab.

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The updates will apparently be going out over Mini Kies and will be hitting the UK and all Nordic carriers soon. (Some users have already begun receiving these updates, in fact.) This doesn’t necessarily confirm any of us in the US or Canada will be getting the upgrade, though, but we have a strong feeling we won’t be left out. A Gingerbread ROM for the Samsung Epic 4G has already leaked and we can’t imagine the others are being left out. Let’s hope we get a better idea of Samsung’s plans soon. [Samsung Hub]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. if it’s anything like what happened to my EPIC when i updated it to 2.2, i’ll pass…

  2. I’m running CyanogenMod, so I stopped caring about Samsung updates. Even though JVB (the update that was pulled for some unknown reason) seems to be quite stable.

  3.  Good for Samsung. Bad for Motorola – they still can’t seem to update their Droids to 2.3.

    1. Seeing as there has been three 2.3 leaks so far for the Droid X,  Moto is on the same time frame as Samsung for getting 2.3 officially out to their current phones..

      1. Samsung already has *OFFICIAL* gingerbread 2.3.3 update for Europe. 

        1.  Yea…I coulda made the distinction for US and overseas.

          Since he mentioned Droids, I assumed Droids were only sold in the US, so I only spoke from the US perspective.

  4. Now this is the Samsung I know making all these fancy promises then down the road nothing happens same routine from last year. Samsung and updates are the WORST KIND OF PARTNERS they never seem to happen. Guess people will take their chances but that won’t be me. Yeah fancy Galaxy S2 looks great but since American carriers can’t seem to have the same luck as our foreign carriers I will just sit back and LAUGH when the FIRESTORM TAKES PLACES. Enjoy your ONLY UPDATE GINGERBREAD cause you know ICE CREAM SANDWICH will never make ANY SAMSUNG DEVICE that comes out in 2011…. Htc rules all updates period….

    1. Ummm Galaxy S devices are almost a whole year old. It’s a miracle they’re getting 2.3 at all, much like your Evo. As you yourself just said, it was the CARRIERS faults that it received 2.2 so late (even your God, Sprint didn’t put it out in a timely manner). Samsung had the source code released for at least a whole month before ANY of the carriers started doing anything with it.  And your statement of “ICE CREAM SANDWICH will never make ANY SAMSUNG DEVICE that comes out in 2011” is completely false. Basically all phones ever released on any carrier has gotten at least 1 update, unless of course the phone itself was a total flop. I don’t see the GS2 being a “flop”. Not to mention the news of the “android alliance” between Google, manufacturers, and carriers that promise updates for 18 months as long as the device is powerful enough. I’m pretty sure the GS2 is more than qualified.  Why don’t you do yourself a favor a just shut up? At least then you’d stop showing how stupid you are to the rest of the world. Have the decency to just admit you were wrong and say nothing else on this matter. Act like a real man for once instead of an undeveloped child.” is completely false. Basically all phones ever released on any carrier has gotten at least 1 update, unless of course the phone itself was a total flop. I don’t see the GS2 being a “flop”. Not to mention the news of the “android alliance” between Google, manufacturers, and carriers that promise updates for 18 months as long as the device is powerful enough. I’m pretty sure the GS2 is more than qualified.  Why don’t you do yourself a favor a just shut up? At least then you’d stop showing how stupid you are to the rest of the world. Have the decency to just admit you were wrong and say nothing else on this matter. Act like a real man for once instead of an undeveloped child.

    2. yeah, because Gingerbread for the EVO was announced and delivered 2 years ago, amirite or amirite?

    3. Desire came out the same time as the Galaxy S, and it’s not going to receive GB update. What you got to say about that now huh? HUH? 

  5. You know the funny thing is, we’ll get the update but people will still gripe and rip on Samsung. Geez people get over it

    1. no they are just haters who can’t take the fact this company makes the best harware in the world for smartphones.

      edit: like the idiot below who still can’t take the fact that SGS II crapped all over his Evo3D which is probably still stuck up in his hole.

  6. got a gingerbread 2.3.3 update for my samsung galaxy s i9000 via kies..   i am from India

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