
G2/Desire Z and Desire HD/Inspire 4G Get Fully-Working Sense 3.0 ROMs


While the HTC EVO 4G was the first device to get some Sense 3.0 port love from the folks at XDA, it wasn’t perfect and was just barely usable as a daily driver.Many of you have flashed it and reverted back to your previous ROMs. The only way you’re going to get a fully-working Sense 3.0 ROM right now is if you go out and buy the Desire HD and Desire z (T-Mobile G2 and HTC Inspire 4G here in the states) and flash newly-launched fully-stable ROMs. Everything you want from Sense 3.0 is here including the enhanced lockscreen, updated widgets and a ton more. You rooting types already know the deal so be sure to get your butts to XDA and get started. And no, we will not kiss your device’s booboo if you end up bricking it – going ahead with installing these ROMs is your own decision and your own responsibility. [via Reddit]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Interesting. SO one DOESN’T need a dual core processor to handle Sense 3.0… shocker! ;)

  2. What about the Thunderbolt?

  3. nah you really dont need a dualcore…Im running the Leaked rom of the HTC evo 3d(kingdom) on my phone as a daily driver. Its actually very good and surprised by the battery performance on the rom with minimal use. Running 7hrs and 9 minutes on roaming and at 58% battery left. Right now im surprised the Sense 3.0 and Gingerbread are performing so well as far as batt life.

  4. I wouldn’t say it’s 100% working yet. There are still some resolution bugs to be worked out – some of the time it seemed that the touch screen was set up for a slightly different screen size to the DHD. It was especially noticeable when dragging an icon off the homescreen, for example.

    Of course, it’s only a matter of time until it really is 100% working. Those guys do some great work.

  5. Droid Incredible please?

  6. Evo shift??

  7. I really hope they get it going on the Evo, I need something new to play with.

  8. I can has Incredible love?

  9. +3 for Incredible!!!

  10. Dont go for that! There coming OTA Gingerbread soon! T mobile G2

  11. would be nice to have a link to the xda page itself instead of having to go via reddit ;)

    also, somewhat on this topic, could you guys add a rule to your css like a[href~=phandroid.com] { text-color: somethingMoreSubtle } so readers can easily distinguish between irritating SEO links and actual links relevant to the article? ta :)

    back on topic, great news, makes me very happy; also thanks to phandroid for covering things so thoroughly! don’t take the above constructive criticism the wrong way :)

  12. You dont need XDA ROM for Sense 3.0… you can buy Fancy Wiget and go to Google Images and find HTC Evo 4G and download this…. then this will look like Sense 3.0.. it’s safer than XDA ROM and risky to get brick!

    1. Huh? That makes no sense.

      1. That’s friggin hilarious! “No Sense”!! Haha!!

  13. I just updated my DHD to 2.3. Am i really missing a lot if I don’t get this rom? I don’t care much about the enhanced on-screen, I dont see why thatd be a reason to root. Battery issues… I have non… Yet. Up to 2 days nonstop so far and I hope it gets better from today after updating. Should I go for Sense 3? Thx

    1. The Sense 3.0 rom is up to version 0.1 at the moment, which means it’s not nearly finished. I don’t think the minor improvements to sense outweigh the bugs yet.

      If you ever were going to root, this release isn’t a good reason to. In a few months however, it will likely be a superior rom to the official 2.3.

  14. HTC Thunderbolt please

  15. If this gets on the thunderbolt, I will root asap

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