
Photile Live Wallpaper Makes Your Homescreen a Living Mosaic of Any Image [Video]


Here’s a live wallpaper a few of you may be interested in. It’s called Photile and allows you to use any image on your phone as a customizable mosaic for your homescreen. It comes with a ton of options and allows you to apply the effect that looks most beautiful to you. The free version is great, but the cost of admission to fully customize it is only $.99 and – trust me – it’s worth every last one of those pieces of copper. Be sure to check out more offerings from Joko Interactive while you’re at it. [via AP]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. That would give me a headache in notime flat! looks pretty sweet though… I may take some Advil and check it out. :-P

  2. I was just staring at it like, when is it going to finish -_____-

  3. I just downloaded that. JoeDon3 is right…talk about a flipping headache. Some of the affects are cool…but wow!

  4. old news — droid life posted this months ago lol :P But awesome app.

  5. I pirated this am i a bad person

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