Desire, Desire HD & Milestone to Get Gingerbread in Spring on Telus, More Androids Slated for Upgrades


The folks at MobileSyrup have pinged Telus and asked them what’s up with updates for various Android handsets. Of note were the HTC Desire and Desire HD: both are said to be getting Gingerbread sometime this Spring. (It wasn’t said if this would include the latest version of HTC Sense or not.)

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Other phones include the Motorola Milestone which is now slated to get Froyo in other regions soon. The Samsung Galaxy Apollo and the LG Shine Plus will both get upgrades, with the latter actually getting Gingerbread instead of Froyo. Fun times ahead for you Telus folks indeed.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. if milestone gets gingerbread will the OG droid get it?

  2. hopefully the droid x will get it . am crossing my fingers

  3. @Phil, CM7 has already brought gingerbread to the OG droid. Still some bug in RC2, but it is coming along quite nicely.

  4. What about my LG Optimus One?

  5. Please recheck the source. Headline seems wrong and misleading.

  6. Headline is misleading, saying milestone will get gingerbread when the article says froyo.

  7. lmao how exactly is it misleading. It could be a typo but the way i see it is saying the milestone, which is soon about to be updated to froyo, will get gingerbread

  8. Headline fail. Thank-you for getting my hopes up for Gingerbread on OG Droid.

  9. @carmendiva: it is misleading because it is incorrect – Milestone WILL NOT GET Gingerbread.

  10. it took the milestone this long, i dont see that wannabe droid getting gingerbread, it deosnt have froyo yet. AnyWhoo i wouldnt be surprised if the original droid got gingerbread.

  11. “Milestone : this winter – Android 2.2 –> just finished testing and should be on its way very soon. Early spring”

  12. Hi Guys, I am successfully running on Ginger Bread using “CyanogenMod 7 RC3”. on Milestone, India. Airtel.

    Really amazing. bit sluggish cos of Go Chat app. Gallery loads slow. phone over heating faster than before. Stock apps are good. battery performance have to check again, yesterday It was 4 hours. otherwise everything is going smooth & beautiful. Thanks to CyanogenMod.

  13. Hi Guys, I am successfully running on Ginger Bread using “CyanogenMod 7 RC3”. on Milestone, India. Airtel.

    Really amazing. bit sluggish cos of Go Chat app. Gallery loads slow. phone over heating faster than before. Stock apps are good. battery performance have to check again, yesterday It was 4 hours. otherwise everything is going smooth & beautiful. Thanks to CyanogenMod.

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