
Europe to See Android 2.3 Gingerbread Update for Samsung Galaxy S by End of March?


Along with word of an Android 2.2 update for the Samsung Galaxy i5500 and i5800, the Samsung Romania Facebook page is pegging another Galaxy handset for an update at the end of March. The handset? The Samsung Galaxy S. The update? Android 2.3 Gingerbread. In other news: We will believe it when we see it.

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Skepticism here might be well placed, if not a bit unfair. Samsung did manage to get the Android 2.2 update out to the European Galaxy S in a much timelier manner than it has for its US equivalents. This is, however, the first mention we have seen of any timeframe associated with the Gingerbread update for Sammy’s flagship Android device. I suppose we won’t have to wait much longer to find out, in any case.

[via AndroidCentral]

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  1. US carrier SGS devices will have to wait another year before even beginning to show any signs of a gingerbread update. ROFL… Sad truth… I hope the Epic 4G Gets Gingerbread by the summer.

  2. I’ll keep running my i9000 ROMs or CM7. either way is 2.3…

  3. Why not believe it? It HAS been a half a year since 2.2 came out for the device.

  4. Yeah the world will end before we get a new os update for the Epic. 2012 is right around the corner so Samsung better step their game up.

  5. ya there is a leak for the i9000 gingerbread with twiz but it’s really buggy, cm7 is a lot better atm, which i’m switching back to.

    the only thing cm7 doesn’t have is ffc support and external sd card…but can be used as daily driver

  6. sounds like rumors, let’s see if we’ll get it.

  7. Yeah, the first beta leaked on the end of February. Although it was unusably buggy, it’s possible they will fix those bugs in a month. But almost none of the gingerbread goodness is there: no screen-off animation, no end-of-scroll glow, no all-black statusbar, no stock gingerbread keyboard, obviously no NFC or TW4… so basically it will have a slightly optimized JIT (not really noticeable IMHO), a little bit cleand up copy-paste, and a nice diagram of the battery status. It’s such a minor update people wouldn’t even notice it if Android updates wouldn’t be so hyped.

    The real future of the SGS lies in the hands of the CM7 SGS developers. If they manage to merge SGS support to mainline CM we can be sure we’ll have a few more major Android updates… :)

  8. Almos where are you getting this info from? Proof, please?

  9. Well since the u.s. Phones finally got the update for 2.2, i’m expecting a procedure to be in place and 2.3 should be obtained in a timely manner

  10. @Zack: XDA forums:


    But don’t flash it, it’s not worth it and it may screw up your bootloader, which is a very bad thing =) (The only way to hard-brick a Galaxy S)

  11. I am perfectly happy with my bonsai 3.01 froyo rom for my epic untill cyanogen 7 gets completed and with the launch of the nexus s 4g on sprint it shouldnt be long.

  12. I don’t think the Nexus S 4G would be better then the Epic 4G, they’re basically the same. One with TouchWiz, one without. and the Nexus S has gingerbread… so minor increases of speed. Hopefully it’ll have a keyboard…?

  13. And here I am still waiting for my Fascinate to get an official update to 2.2.

  14. Im also still waiting for an update, on my epic. At this rate it seems as if ill be getting a new phone before that happens.

  15. Come to Canada! The land where we get updates >:D

  16. @OMG Ponies!: And get a I9000M that bricks upon flashing?

  17. the only thing i hope with the Gingerbread release, is that the sources, will prove to be helpful for CM7’s development for the SGS.

  18. Still Waiting for froyo on the samsung fascinate. This is really discouraging. It makes me not want to buy another samsung phone ever again even though the hardware is awesome.

  19. Awesome

  20. Lol suck on that Samsung haters.

    The Samsung Galaxy S & HTC Desire are the only smartphones out there which have got 2 major firmware upgrades. A worthy purchase. Loving the S-Amoled screen!!!

  21. Shure it is true… the sams firmware site already has the android 2.3 to download. Maybe it is a beta… but it is working nice.

  22. @plough “The Samsung Galaxy S & HTC Desire are the only smartphones out there which have got 2 major firmware upgrades.”

    The only ones?

    My Motorola Droid came with 2.0. It was OTA updated to 2.1 and then 2.2, with a couple of minor updates in between.

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