
Froyo Update for US Cellular’s HTC Desire Now Available


We’ve just received word that US Cellular’s Froyo update for the HTC Desire is live. The software number is 2.11.573.5 and comes with the standard set of Froyo features you’d expect – flash, JIT, and all of the rest of the goods folks have been enjoying are now yours.

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They’ve posted a separate .PDF file detailing some of the changes to HTC Sense, too. A built-in flashlight app, the ability to recommend apps to friends, and more all await you. Go ahead and download the file, but not before checking this install guide out to make sure you don’t mess anything up. [US CellularThanks Tom & JLB!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

BBC iPlayer for Android Coming This Week [FROYO+]

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  1. Htc FTW again. FIRST<<<<

  2. Now, the every phone in the Desire series has 2.2. Infact, every HTC phone except for the Tattoo, Eris/Hero and G1/Dream has 2.2. Now, that is how a manufacturer should do it!

  3. Sorry forgot about the myTouch Slide which has 2.2 coming soon.

  4. Does anybody know why the magic was and the hero was not updated? Hero is newer, higher specced isn’t it?

  5. This is 2011, right?

  6. Download is slow as hell.

  7. My next phone will be an HTC, I can tell you that. Also US Cellular fulfilled their Froyo promises, so thank you to them for being a good carrier!

  8. Wait, froyo on desire now? What’s all the fuss about vibrant not getting froyo then?

  9. i guess Cox branded and cellular south as well as intelos branded phones will not get it anytime soon.

  10. What is up with the missing apps in the market?!? I am missing several apps that I paid good money for!! =(

  11. Are there any reported issues with existing rooted (2.1 HTC desire)phones upgrading to 2.2?

  12. did you have them synced with app brain that saves all of your apps to reinstall with changes.

  13. CELLULAR SOUTH. I’m looking in your direction. Just CHARGE for the upgrade. Other carriers are likely to start charging too. It will be the new business model.

  14. Installed fine on my Desire!

  15. Ok everyone, i have spoken with Tech Supervisor from Cox wireless on the 2.2 Froyo update for the HTC Desire, they are planning a push pretty soon, No exact date but he said they were finalizing the software with google, i tried to get some hint but he just said “Really Soon” so we will take that with a grain of salt but if you are a Cox subscriber, look for froyo 2.2 soon, just to be disapointed when 2.3 rolls out and your already behind the curve.

  16. why when i click to download the file it sends me to the htc site with NO sign of the official download…. what am i doing wrong??

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