
Newegg Launches Android App for Sniffing Out Gadget Deals


Newegg is synonymous with the best deals on everything from PC components to smartphones and televisions, and those deals are now available at your fingertips thanks to Newegg Mobile. This version 1.0 app for Android gives you access to everything you’d expect from the tech retailer including guided search, wish lists, reviews, and product images. If you could do it on the Newegg site, you best bet you can get it done on your mobile handset.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

You can simply browse items by category, or search using text, barcode, or voice. Pretty nifty if you find yourself at Best Buy and want to make sure Newegg doesn’t have that TV or laptop for less (pro tip: they normally do). If you are serious about saving some money on your geek goodies then you will want to check out the app. Be sure to let the Newegg team know what you think on their Facebook page, too. They are asking for user feedback to improve future versions of the app.

[via Facebook, thanks Chris!]

Kevin Krause
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  2. You know this app has been out for a while?

  3. Way to not post the qr code and link phandroid..

  4. Didn’t know it was out till now, thanks for the info. The only thing I don’t like so far is you can only set one filter parameter at a time-I’d like to set RAM speed AND manufacturer AND capacity at the same time. It makes drilling down a real PITA. OTOH, Fry’s say they’ll match any authorized internet retailer now so I’ll have to see if they match the egg.

  5. Newegg used to be good a few years ago…I’ve been disappointed with it lately

  6. @ Alex: Don’t know why. Newegg is still to this day the best online retailer I’ve ever purchased a product from.

  7. GPL – you get the guided and search options near screen top. App is ok, but I still prefer the full site.
    Their prices are more inline with other places lately (like Amazon) but the have a lot of rebates and combo deals. I still order quite a bit from them.

  8. I love newegg just for the fast shipping. A few times my stuff came earlier than it was supposed to.

  9. Scorrpio-yes, I saw that but you can only select one parameter at a time then you go back to the product page and you have to set a second parameter, go back, set the third etc. I want to set all the search options at once, not one at a time.

  10. Is this another USA only app?

  11. yeah – as I said, full website is better, IMO

  12. Newegg isn’t synonymous with the “best deals”?!?, but they are consistent about reasonable pricing and providing efficient service that many are often willing to pay a couple more dollars for. A quick search on your favorite search engine will generally turn up a better deal ranging from a couple dollars to hundreds even in some cases, but you most likely will have to give up a feeling of security you receive from buying from Newegg. Not trying to knock them, but I don’t think of them as having the “best deals”. Just great at what they do, consistently ;-P.

    Lesson to other websites… clean, simple, easy to use is the way to go! Anyone else find it creepy when Newegg emails you about your abandoned shopping cart or to tell you that they were watching your every move and thought you’d like to see some other options on the very products you were just looking at. If they start calling me I’m done.

  13. I love Newegg. I 2nd the there should be a qr code for this.

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