
TELUS Updates to HTC Hero to Android 2.1, HTC Desire Gets OTA Update to Froyo



TELUS isn’t skimping on the firmware updates today with new Android software going out to both the HTC Desire and HTC Hero. Let’s start with the Hero, a phone that has has a long path to Android 2.1, and while most carriers around the world have made the update available at this point, some owners of the handset have been weathering an outdated OS for longer than they would have liked. Knock TELUS users off that list, as their discontinued Hero gets its update today. You can grab it over at HTC support.

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The HTC Desire is getting its update over-the-air as TELUS brings that handset up to the latest version of Android, Froyo. The update to Android 2.2 will be pushed to handsets on a staggered basis so it may be a few days before yours gets the frosty treat. Pretty good day to be an HTC owner on the Canadian carrier, eh?

[via IntoMobile, AndroidCommunity]

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  1. haha gingerbread is on the way and the hero is just getting 2.1??? lame phones.

  2. hurrah spread the froyo love

  3. About time…
    Too bad I rooted about 6 months ago.
    Oh and they pulled the Desire update.

  4. The Hero update is an OTA update. If someone gets it please post the update.zip on the web!

  5. “Pretty good day to be an HTC owner on the Canadian carrier, eh?”

    no, no it is not. especially for us HTC Legend users. Any speculation as to when we on Virgin or Bell might see an update?

  6. a bit late… me and half the staff i talked to at my local telus rooted our hero’s months ago

  7. Looks like HTC Desire update was a typo. It now says “available in October”

  8. Hey!

    I managed to update it OTA even though my phone was unlocked and I use Rogers as my carrier. Just change the date of your phone for 1 week ahead (since the firmware on HTC Hero waits 7 days before checking for any new changes) and your phone should get an update asking if you want to upgrade your firmware. Or you could just wait a week :P.

  9. Hmm thank you for share

  10. GSM Hero owners, please be aware that the OTA ROM for 2.1 is much larger than the 1.5 on your system. What this means is that if you have installed lots of apps, you might not have enough space for 2.1 until you uninstall enough of them. That’s what happened to me. Even after I deleted enough to install 2.1, the phone kept warning me that I needed to keep at least 25MB of storage free for proper running of the system. Because my free space was kind of on the borderline of this, the Sense UI desktop/launcher app itself often force-closed when I opened too many apps (it restarts again on its own without trouble, but still…). I finally rooted my phone and installed a custom ROM.

  11. @asqwerth

    So you were able to root the official Telus 2.1 ROM without any trouble? If so, did you use Universal Androot to do it? I’ve been holding off on taking the OTA update until it was verified that it was rootable.

  12. Sorry for the confusion, but I don’t have a Telus Hero. The aim of my previous post was to warn you not to expect a perfect experience from the 2.1 OTA update if your internal storage was already full (which is quite likely for many people).
    I’m from Asia, and the GSM Hero 1.5 ROMs used here were troublesome to root unlike the UK and generic ROMs. Like you, I thought perhaps the 2.1 OTA update might be easier to root than the 1.5, but I was wrong. I tried the easier rooting methods found at that time on Unlockr.com and VillainROM’s site but they didn’t work. I eventually had to use the old goldcard method (that I had researched for rooting 1.5) to downgrade my OTA 2.1 to a generic 1.5 ROM before rooting. I did it before Universal Androot appeared, so I can’t help you there. I’m guessing it all depends on whether the Canadian 2.1 ROMS are as difficult to root as the Asian ones.

  13. Thx for the date-change tip Eroe!

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