
Cellular South’s HTC Hero Upgraded to Android 2.1


Some of you Cellular South customers were disappointed that the regional carrier missed their “first half of 2010” window by nearly a month now, but a few weeks never hurt anyone. You can now download your upgrade to Android 2.1 for manual installation (sorry, folks: no OTA to be had here).

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Be sure to stop by Cellular South’s Facebook page to get instructions on how to apply the update that you can get here. [Note]: The upgrade includes MMS support, but you must add MMS to your account online for $5.99 per month. Also note that you can have the update applied in-store, but you’ll incur a charge of $15.

[via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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1 Comment

  1. What a rip off….you would think that they would be trying to compete with the competition with all that included in the plans they have….and the no tethering policy makes them really on bad terms with the possible customers they could have had (especially with all the tablets (Slates) coming out on the market later this year.

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