
myTouch Slide Popping Up All Over The Place, Now In FCC Photos


Remember when we noticed that the T-Mobile myTouch Slide began appearing in RadioShack’s Direct2U system the other day? That’s probably because we’re moving closer and closer to an official reveal of the oft-rumored myTouch 3G successor. Today, even more confirmation comes to us in a candid FCC photo that we always get so giddy about.

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Along with the photo, we were thrilled to find some early specs. This phone will run on T-Mobile, obviously, as it’s being certified for their 3G bands. It’ll be equipped with an Arm11 processor but we haven’t seen the specifics of which one it’ll come with. With the 320×480 screen resolution, I doubt we’ll see this equipped with anything more than a 3.5 inch screen and I’m not too enthusiastic on which version of Android it could come coupled with, as well.

It seems T-Mobile will be treating the myTouch brand as the new Sidekick, which isn’t a bad thing considering Android is a very solid platform to stand behind when pushing a flagship phone. Minor improvements – such as LED flash – that we’ve seen so far are enough to set it apart  and the addition of the keyboard should prove to make this attractive to anyone looking to upgrade their phone in the very near future. These are all very early details but we’re assuming there’s more to come very soon.

[via engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. why would T-Mo push this same old crap?!? I’m not sure what the ARM 11 is, but with that screen spec, I’m betting it’s not anywhere close to the bleeding edge of technology. I’m thinking T-Mo is still stuck in the 2008 date-range.

    T-Mo, please give me a reason to re-up on June 1. So far, I have no reason to stay with T-Mo. I’m beginning to think T-Mo is geared toward credit-risk customers and low-end phones. It’s the “cricket” of the Big Four.

  2. ARM 11 is : Qualcomm MSM7201A as seen in the HTC Dream, HTC Magic, Motorola Z6, HTC Hero, & Samsung SGH-i627 (Propel Pro)

  3. Yeah, same proc as the G1. No thanks. I can’t imagine the snapdragon or even the tegra costing much more than that old thing.

  4. Like #2 said.
    I wonder if they actually put in the 1Ghz model of the Arm 11 Chipset or not. My guess…. 850Mhz

  5. I tend to not complain alot but Im really annoyed with the lack of a high end Android phones at Tmobile. Im on a family plan which means I cant get the N1 unless i buy it unlocked (not likely at the moment). My family has been with Tmobile since it was Voicestream. Ive been seriously thinking about leaving and going to sprint just for the EVO. Im happy with the service (in NY at least) but i just want to upgrade from my G1.

  6. FYI – “Popping” only has 3 p’s. :)

  7. Yes TMO needs more Android phones.

  8. Yea, Tmobile really should’t be pushing out all this crap at such high prices. But in all fairness, they cant really sell something that isnt available. No manufacturer has made a keyboard snapdragon yet, so it really isnt fair to ask that of them.

    But at the same time, they screwed up with the Nexus One. Retarded plan options. Where the hell is the Desire?

  9. @ kurry

    except the part where tmobile didnt screw up with the nexus one, and google screwed them. google said do it this way, what were they gonna do, tell google to piss off we dont want the 100 bucks a month from the people that bought one? yeah tmobile needs the nexus one’s in stores more than anything. but until google gets off its high horse, it wont happen, and tmobiles not about to say no to more contracts, reguardless of how they come.

    as for the mytouch slide, im excited. its better than the G1. itll do for now but i do want to see a snapdragon slide android on tmobile.

  10. T-Mobile Like all of them….Make a business off ripping US off …I mean all of us who wants the Newest and fastest..Toys. I have been with them for 9 years since it was Voice stream and so what! . Only because of the cheap data! Well cheaper than most plans and basically just “DASAU” (Drop A Simcard And Use) (2 G1’s, Dash, Nokia, Blackberry) I waited for their HTC HD2. Only to be disappointed That Win Mobile crap..What were they thinking?. And BOOM you have to change your data plan to more money…YES it all about how must juice they can drain from us..

  11. Qverse, another of the long-timer’s club. Same length of time, too. Went with them for 2 reasons; they were the only GSM carrier supporting the Handspring VisorPhone when it came out (anybody remember that?)and the other option was going CDMA on Sprint. Back then, that was “yea, riiiiiight.” My husband worked for an international company and GSM was the “world band” and DASAU (love the acronym!) was only way to fly. Their customer service has done well for me over the years as well as their prices. I’m satisfied enough. The G3’s been quite the upgrade for me and I’m content to wait a bit to see what develops if they grow with the Android platform and their handset partnerships.

  12. the pictures of this phone make the phone look cheap, but this seems not to be the finished product so i will hold my judgement. so far though i like the CLIQ better but i will wait to see which one comes out as an overall solid android upgrade with 2.1, which is the reason why i haven’t upgraded yet. the other phones come with 1.5 and my g1 comes with 1.6. and i am not going to leave t-mobile just for a phone. i find that foolish. so far i feel the plan that i have is still the best in town compared to the other nationwide carriers

  13. Maybe it’s just a G1 replacement? With more memory to run Eclair.

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