
Samsung Galaxy Passes FCC!


Lately we’ve voiced our irritation that the Samsung Galaxy isn’t available much of anywhere. Not only that, but we haven’t heard a peep from Samsung about their plans on bringing it to other lands. Finally we’ve got some good news – the Samsung Galaxy just passed the FCC!

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There is good news and bad news… which do you want first? Okay:

Good news: it has 3G
Bad news: The “L” at the end of model number “A3LGTI7500L” likely stands for Latin America
Worse News: The American version passed through the FCC in May

Sorry… I forgot about the worse news until… I remembered it. So Latin American folks should rejoice while Americans should try to find some solace in the fact that this thing might one day in the not too distant future arrive on T-Mobile USA. It already passed through the FCC months ago… I mean… Please?

[Via EngadgetMobile]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Well well well, an Android heading to Argentina? ;) I always had the feeling that Samsung, being so big and releasing new phones here would, more sooner than later, release the Galaxy. Here we are starving for Android!

  2. I’ve been going crazy trying to find a Samsung Galaxy that I could use with U.S. T-mobile service. Have been serching for months – T-Mobile has released it in Germany & France & it has U.S. FCC approval…why did T-mobile ram the MyTouch G2 down our throats as a replacement for the clunky G1 & continues to tease us with the Galaxy; neither confirming or dening that it MAY come to the US someday!

  3. According to O2 telephone sales, the Galaxy will be available from the week of August 10th

  4. Or maybe the “L” stands for “LITE”

  5. hell, i just need a galaxy to show up on ebay. i dont even see it there.

  6. Why would they require the approval FCC for a product to be sold in Argentina?

  7. hell, i just need a galaxy to show up on ebay. i dont even see it there. [2]

  8. Actually, I believe that the “L” stands for “Lite” as you have it in a another article?


  9. My question is, will the Galaxy support T-Mobiles wifi calling features. Hotspot calling on uma? Does anyone know about this?

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